1. To create a wall, go to Architecture > Wall. You can choose "Wall: Architectural", "Wall:         Structural", or "Wall by Face". In this project, I basically choose "Wall: Structural".

2. Choose "Basic Wall Generic - 200mm" to create your own wall.
3. Click on "Edit Type" and you will see the Type Properties interface.

4. Click on "Duplicate" to duplicate wall and rename it as BRICKWALL - 150mm. Click OK.

5. To edit the thickness of the wall, go to Type Parameters > Parameter > Construction > Structure >       Edit...

6. You will see the interface of "Edit Assembly".
7. Click on "Insert" to add the materials on your brickwall.

8. Change the Function of upper layer and lower layer to "Finish 1[4]". 
    Note : In floor plans, the upper layer and lower layer will read as Internal and External layer.
9. The middle layer remain as a structure.
10. Change the thickness of upper layer and lower layer to 20mm. The middle layer will be 110mm.
11. The total thickness of the brickwall will be 150mm.

12. To change the material of "Structure [1]", click on "<By Category>" and you will see the                     "Material Browser" interface.
13. Change material to "Brick, Common". Make sure the hatching of material is correct.
14. You can change the colour of shading, surface pattern and cut pattern.

15. For "Finish 1[4]" material, right click and duplicate "Concrete, Sand/Cement Screed" and rename       it as PLASTER.

16. Make sure the surface pattern is switch to none and cut pattern to sand.

17. Click OK.

18. To view your brickwall pattern, Click on Detail Level to "Medium" or "Fine".


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